2024-25 Family Handbook
Parent Information & Resources
Cancellations, Late Starts & Early Releases
Parents/guardians who believe the weather conditions are not safe have the option of keeping their student at home. Parents who choose to keep their student(s) home should contact the school to report a “parent excused” absence.
School Closings
Inclement weather is the most typical school emergency that results in school cancellation. If school is canceled, the decision will be made prior to 6 am. A phone, email and text notification will be sent to parents and staff.
Late Starts
Breakfast will not be served on the days that the district has a late start. Preschool will be held. A late start on a scheduled early release day will result in a normal release time. No preschool on Wednesday.
One-Hour Late Start - BMS 8:40 am | BHS 9:10 am | Elem 9:35 am | Preschool 9:40 am
Two-Hour Late Start - BMS 9:40 am | BHS 10:10 am | Elem 10:35 am | Preschool 10:40 amEarly Dismissal
In some emergencies, such as inclement weather, we may deem it prudent to send students home early. The district has made the commitment to make any early dismissal decisions by 10 am. If there is a special situation, your child’s school or the district may contact you to pick up your child early. Please make sure you provide your school office with up-to-date information so we can reach you if necessary.
One-Hour Early Release
M | T | TH | F - Preschool 1 pm | BMS 1:50 pm | Elem 2:30 pm | HS 2:25 pm
W - BMS 12 pm | Elem 1 pm | HS 1:30 pmTwo-Hour Early Release
M | T | TH | F - Preschool 12 pm | BMS 12:50 pm | Elem 1:30 pm | HS 1:25 pm
W - BMS 11 am | Elem 12 pm | HS 12:30 pmThree-Hour Early Release
M | T | TH | F - Preschool 11 am | BMS 11:50 am | Elem 12:30 pm | HS 12:25 pm
W - BMS 10 am | Elem 11 am | HS 11:30 am
If the student's parents wish to withdraw or transfer the student from school prior to completing and graduating from the education program, they should notify the school office as soon as possible of this decision to withdraw or transfer the student from the education program.
At that time, the school office will give instructions regarding the return of textbooks, library books, technology devices, etc. The notice should state the student's final day of attendance. If the student is not enrolling in another school district, the school district will maintain the student's records in the same manner as the records of students who have graduated from the school district.
If the parents wish to have the student's cumulative record sent to the new school district, the parents must notify the school office. This notice will include the name of the school district and the person at the new school district to whom the student's cumulative records should be sent. If the new school district requests the student's cumulative records, the school district will forward the cumulative records.
If the student is of compulsory education age and not transferring to another public school district or an accredited nonpublic school, the parents will notify the school office that the student is receiving competent private instruction and file the necessary competent private instruction reports.
If the district has been unable to reach you or your student and your student has missed 10 consecutive school days then the student will be disenrolled from the district.
The Bettendorf Schools Outreach Program provides FREE and confidential support services for families with students enrolled in the Bettendorf Community School District. Our outreach staff work alongside you and with the school to make sure your child can do their best. Outreach Workers are an important part of the educational team. We partner with you and school staff (such as the counselor, nurse, teacher, therapist, and principal) to provide social, emotional, and behavioral support at school and at home.
Empower parents/guardians to communicate your needs, opinions, expectations, or questions at school meetings, such as an IEP meeting or parent-teacher conference.
Encourage and give help with regular school attendance.
Help parents/guardians understand and support your child’s educational goals.
Advocate for parents/guardians in meetings at the school and in the district to help meet your child’s needs in the classroom.
Support parents/guardians as you develop and care for your child’s physical, social, and emotional wellbeing.
Assist parents/guardians in times of need or crisis with food, clothing, and household items.
Connect you to agencies and services in the community that fit your needs and help you handle complex systems to use these services successfully.
Come alongside parents/guardians and help you find and use positive support systems during times of stress and change.
Build relationships with the local community by participating in coalitions, partnerships, and other meetings.
Provide program opportunities for parents/guardians and their family within the community, such as Family Night Dinners.
Encourage parents/guardians and your child to participate in sports, social groups, and volunteer activities at your child’s school and in the community.
Organize and participate in school supply and food drives throughout the year.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for parents throughout the school year. Parent/teacher communication is critical, and will be ongoing throughout the school year.
Elementary - After 1st & 3rd quarter
Middle School & High School - Quarterly
The support of our parent volunteers is vital to the success of our students and our schools. We are proud of the sense of community among students, parents, teachers, and school staff in our district because of our parent volunteers. We encourage all parents to consider joining their school parent organization!
Parents can update their household, family member and non-household contact information through their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. IC Parent Portal is the system that allows parents to securely access information about their student such as attendance and lunch accounts, and to update contact information via the internet. It is critical to the health and safety of your student that you keep your contact information up-to-date.
The district has online registration through IC Parent Portal and you will need a parent account to access registration material. IC mobile portal apps are even available for Apple and Android devices. If you do not have computer access, please contact your building for assistance.
Parents/guardians needing to obtain access to IC parent portal should please fill out the Infinite Campus Parent Portal Acceptable Use Agreement linked or contact the building secretary to receive necessary information to obtain an account. If you have established a parent account but cannot remember your login information, contact Technology at 359-3681 x 3032.
Parent/Staff Notification System
Our parent/staff notification system helps us communicate with parents more effectively through telephone, text and email. Your contact information is obtained through our student information system - Infinite Campus. In order to ensure you are receiving emergency and general messages through your preferred modality (call, text, and/or email), review the directions to update your contact preferences through Infinite Campus. Also, please be sure to keep your contact information up to date!
General Messages (Staff & Parents) - Messages about upcoming events and general notifications. Text | Email (typically not phone)
Emergency Notifications - Emergency notifications help ensure we contact parents as quickly as possible. Ie., weather notifications (Staff & Parents) - Text | Email | Phone
Parents & School Safety
The safety and security of Bettendorf Community School District students and staff is of utmost importance. The district has a comprehensive crisis plan developed in cooperation with Bettendorf police and local emergency management agencies. The plan is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
District schools also have well-established security measures for the safety of students and staff including: visitor check-in procedures, locked doors after the start of the school day, surveillance cameras, and police liaison officer support.
How can parents help with school safety?
Parents should keep their contact information up-to-date in Infinite Campus, the district’s student information system.
Encourage and support school safety, violence prevention and emergency preparedness programs within the schools.
If requested, provide volunteer services for school emergency preparedness.
Provide the school with requested information concerning emergency situations.
Practice emergency preparedness in the home to reinforce school training and ensure family safety.
In an Emergency
How can parents and guardians be assured they receive information in an emergency?
Parents should keep their contact information up-to-date in Infinite Campus, our student information system. In the case of an emergency, a phone message, email and text message will be sent to parents and guardians. If the school has a non-emergency situation that we believe parents should be informed about, the school will send parents an email notification.
How and when will I be notified if there is an emergency at my child’s school?
The means and immediacy of communication will depend on the type of the event and on the potential or actual impact to the safety of the students. While it’s difficult to describe all possible scenarios, the following can be used as guide to gauge the district’s level of notification and systems used to communicate with families:
Impact Level | Notification Response |
A Low Impact Incident Example: Temporary power/services disruption |
A Moderate Impact Incident Example: A gas leak or a threat to the school |
A High Impact Incident Example: An intruder in school or the use of a weapon in school resulting in injuries to students or staff |
Should I report to the scene of the incident/emergency?
In the case of a high-impact emergency situation in a school or at a school-sponsored activity, please DO NOT go to the incident site ahead of school communication regarding student reunification. Keeping roads and lots clear of additional traffic is crucial for our EMS responders.
Parents are encouraged to remain close to their sources of communication, phone or email, to ensure they are receiving accurate and timely updates on the emergency from district staff.
Once the emergency is declared "over," will parents be able to report to their child’s school?
When BCSD communicates to parents that the school emergency has ended, direction will be provided on how parents will reunite with their child. Parents will be directed to a specific location that could be located off campus. It is important that parents follow these directions for the safety of all students, staff and parents.
Remember, a student can only be released to an adult that is documented as an emergency contact. These listed adults must show proper identification before the student will be released.
If the school building is evacuated, how will I be able to locate my child?
If an evacuation occurs during the school day, there is a possibility that the students will return to school and normal bus service will resume. The district will notify parents if an alternate reunification site will be used.
Please monitor your phone or email closely to ensure you receive updates on the emergency from district staff. Your child may text or email you about the evacuation before the district is able to notify you. Be aware that student texts and social media can cause confusion and further disrupt safety protocols.
Remember, a student can only be released to an adult who is documented as an emergency contact. These listed adults must show proper identification before the student will be released.
Emergency Response Protocol
The district has a history of training and planning for a variety of emergency situations that could impact student/staff safety as well as teaching and learning. The district’s primary emergency response protocols are from the US Department of Homeland Security & I Love You Guys Foundation.
Standard Response Protocols
I Love You Guys FoundationThe “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s programs for crisis response and post-crisis reunification are used in more than 30,000 schools and municipalities around the world. They are created through the research-based best practices of school administrators, psychologists, public space safety experts, families, and first responders.
The SRP premise is simple. Five specific actions are communicated and performed during an incident. Each action is labeled with a “Term of Art” and is followed by a “Directive.” Execution of the action is performed by all active participants, including students, staff, teachers and first responders. This aligns everyone for a swift and coordinated response.
Training and Securing the Building
There may be times when a building is closed to the public. This may be due to training or the need to secure the school. Please respect the signage to help us follow our protocols for the safety of our students and staff. Below are some signs you may see at the school.
Lockdown Drill

“Secure” - Monitored Entry or No One In or Out

Family Reunification
Circumstances may occur at the school that require parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release. This process is called a Family Reunification and may be necessary due to weather, a power outage, hazmat, or if a crisis occurs at the school. Because a reunification is not a typical end-of-school day event, a reunification may occur at a different location than the school a student attends. If this location is another school, then those students may be subject to a controlled release as well.
NotificationParents may be notified in a number of ways. The school or district may use its broadcast phone or text message system. In some cases, students may be asked to send a text message to their parents. A reunification text message from a student may look something like this: “The school has closed, please pick me up at 3:25 at the main entrance. Bring your ID. “
Parent/Guardian Expectations
If a parent or guardian is notified that a reunification is needed, there are some expectations that parents or guardians should be aware of. First, bring identification. That will streamline things during reunification. Second, be patient. Reunification is a process that protects both the safety of the student and provides for an accountable change of custody from the school to a recognized custodial parent or guardian.
What if a Parent Can’t Pick Up Their Student?
When a parent can’t immediately go to the reunification site, students will only be released to individuals previously identified as a student’s emergency contact. Otherwise, the school will hold students until parents can pick up their student.
How It Works
For students, the school asks that students be orderly and quiet while waiting. Students may be asked to text a message to their parents or guardians. Students are also asked not to send other text messages either in or out of the school or reunification area. Keeping the cellular network usage at a minimum may be important during a Reunification.
Reunification Information Cards
For parents, there are a couple of steps. If a parent is driving to the school, greater awareness of traffic and emergency vehicles is advised. Parents should park where indicated and not abandon vehicles. Parents are asked to go to the Reunification “Check In” area and form lines based on the first letter of their last name. While in line, parents are asked to fill out a reunification card.
This card is perforated and will be separated during the process. Some of the same information is repeated on both the top and separated bottom of the card. Parents are asked to complete all parts of the card. In the case of multiple students being reunified, a separate card for each student needs to be completed.

Bring ID to Check In
During check in, identification and custody rights are confirmed. The card is separated and the bottom half given back to the parent.
From the “Check In” area, a runner will take the bottom half of the card and take it to the Student Assembly Area to recover the student or students. Parents will be directed to the “Waiting” area. Parents should be aware that in some cases, they may be invited into the building for further information.
Interviews and CounselingIn some cases, parents may be advised that a law enforcement investigation is underway and may be advised that interviews are necessary. In extreme cases, parents may be pulled aside for emergency or medical Information.
Student Directory Information - Photo Denial Form
506.2E1 Parent Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information - Denial Form
Parents not wanting their student’s information released for military recruiters and post-secondary institutions, student directory, district website and publicity must fill out a denial form and return it to their school office by September 1 each year of their student’s enrollment in the district.
Visiting Schools
All visitors are required to show government photo identification when they register in the office prior to visiting classrooms, and to wear a visitor badge while they are in the building. Parents are encouraged to visit at school, but it is important to avoid interrupting instructional and planning time. Scheduling appointments is the best way to handle this. If you wish to visit a classroom, please get prior approval from the building principal.
Visitor Check-In Procedures
To help provide a safe environment for our students, staff and visitors, the Bettendorf Community School District has a check-in procedure for school visitors (including parents and volunteers).
Check in through the front office
Provide a driver’s license or government photo ID
Sign in and out via our visitor management system. Please be prepared to provide a driver’s license or government ID for scanning.
Wear a visitor’s badge
Generally, the process should be very quick and efficient. Most importantly, this helps ensure inappropriate access to students or schools does not occur.
The school has many opportunities for volunteers. Please fill out a volunteer application to join our volunteers. All volunteers are required to show government photo identification when they register in the office prior to volunteering and to wear a volunteer name tag while they are in the building. All visitors and volunteers must follow the rules of confidentiality.