District Branding Guidelines

As Bettendorf Community School District develops and grows, it becomes increasingly important that the District protect its name, brand, and reputation. It is important to the District’s identity and image to maintain consistent and appropriate use of our school mascots, names, and logos. A logo is more than an illustration: our logos define and identify the District and our schools within the community. The District seeks to protect these images and their use for events, activities, and materials that benefit the District and further its mission.
The district permits the following uses of its logos:
By recognized and approved student and school groups in the district without prior approval
By community groups that support the district’s curricular or extracurricular activities, such as PTA and booster clubs, with prior written approval from the Communications Department
By other groups, organizations, or commercial entities, with prior written approval from the Superintendent of Schools or designee.
Uses Not Permitted
Logos/school badges may not be used in any manner to falsely suggest endorsement or sponsorship by the district.
Coaches and staff hosting events and activities not associated with the district are not permitted to use district graphics.
Logos may not be used in any manner associated with content or activities that are harassing, harmful, threatening, abusive, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, hateful (racially/ethnically), or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable.
Logos may not be used in connection with the following products or in any other manner that would injure the reputation of the district. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to: alcoholic beverages; tobacco products; inherently dangerous products, such as firearms, explosives, knives, and fuels; obscene or disparaging products; or sexually suggestive products; any items that promote gambling.

Bett is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is the district’s intellectual property and a trademark of the Bettendorf Community School District. Any use of the Bett graphic must include the registration mark.
The Bett graphics are approved for use within the district. Any other variation of the Bett graphic needs to be approved by the Bettendorf High School Activities Director and the Director of Communications.
Community Use of Bett
The district must provide written approval for non-district use of the Bett graphic. If the district deems a request appropriate, the district may charge for-profits for use of the district graphic with any proceeds split between the Bettendorf High School activities department and Bettendorf Community Schools Foundation. Contact the Communications Department for more information.